Author: Katie

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Teams of Our Lady “Materials Team” COMPETITION! This is your opportunity to have your artwork included in the Teams Small Booklets. As you may know there is a team of people looking at the literature available in Teams GB to update some documents. We are looking to...

Our GB webeditors are always grateful to receive news from the ERI (International Leading Team) They have their own website which we recommend you explore for a wider view of Equipes Notre Dame. It is wonderful to see how the Spirit is inspiring our international...

Dear Friends, Please find the updated Agenda and Zoom Link below. As you will see, the meeting will get started at 11.15am. For any of you who are able to join us via Zoom, we will open the ‘Virtual Room’ at 11am in time for our start...

Change of Date - Northern Regional Gathering If you are hoping to attend, please note that the date has changed to the 21st October 2023. Radio Maria update Paul and Janet DeBoo visited Radio Maria England on Thursday 10th August and thoroughly enjoyed presenting about Teams of Our...

Teams of Our Lady, GB have been invited to Radio Maria, England to make a presentation about Teams of Our Lady and how it supports Christian marriage during the "Credo" programme slot from 16:00 to 17:00 on Thursday, 10 August this week. You can listen online...

Our Teams GB gathering at Swanwick was so successful, that it has set the ball rolling for our Regional Gatherings. Northern Region members were delighted to receive a message from our soon-to-be Regional Couple, David and Joanne who are wasting no time in announcing plans for...

Dear Teams Members Due to a technical problem with the website, many of you have not been receiving our posts. Hopefully this has been resolved and you should be receiving emails from us now on. If anyone has failed to receive a post, and has subscribed to...

New Dawn The Son rose on that first day, A great doorway opened wide. Events played out, from Friday to Sunday, Now an emptiness deep inside.   All is lost, how can I explain, To whom shall we go, where can we turn. Discarded grave cloths now remain, What is there here for me...

Our Last Day It hardly seems that we have been here for any time at all, and this was our last day together.  Bishop Patrick McKinney, 10th Bishop of Nottingham spoke to us his own Episcopal Motto - a challenge he set himself as a priest -...

Our Second Day After yesterday's introduction to our weekend, we were all treated to a beautiful opening liturgy, which covered the Wedding at Cana, and introduced the theme of "Serving in imitation of Mary". Sadly Father Eamonn Mulcahy, CSSp was unwell and could not join us.  This...

Welcome to everyone Today was a great experience for all of us who came to attend our National Gathering at the Hayes Centre, in Swanwick. Our greeters went above and beyond in making everyone feel at home and made sure that their needs were met....

The Programme The dedication of the team setting up the events over the next few days is awe-inspiring. Considering these are voluntary roles, there has been a great deal of thought, prayer and vision acted out to make sure attendees are able to enjoy a full...

Looking forward to Swanwick It is always wonderful to be looking forward to gathering together with our fellow Teams members at the Swanwick National Gathering. This marks a fresh beginning of our face to face encounters with each other. Something that we haven't managed to do...

We are delighted that plans for our Re-Gathering of members from Teams of Our Lady in The Hayes Centre are in full swing. The event will take place from the evening of Friday, 21 April 2023 to the Afternoon of Sunday, 23 April 2023. Annette and Paul...

It seemed such a long time since we as a Team were able to share in person, a retreat.  We have become so used to using Zoom, or MS Teams, or WhatsApp to get together with our friends and families that it seemed a bit...

        World Meeting of Families 2022 We invite you to get a flavour of the recent World Meeting of Families in June. Many couples and families gave moving witness to their lives as families and the difficulties they have experienced as well as the joys they have shared....

  We have been asked to publicise a new job opportunity with The Association of Interchurch Families (AIF). AIF is recruiting a new part-time (10 hrs a week) Executive Officer, an ideal opportunity for someone with digital (especially website) skills and an understanding of ecumenism. The Job Description,...

Dearest ones, On behalf of the Teams in Ukraine and on our own behalf, we implore you all to pray for peace in Ukraine, the cessation of hostilities, conversion and peace in the hearts of all people. The Teams in Ukraine are in Odessa and Chernivtsi. Jesus we...

Liturgical Calendar We are pleased to be able to include on our website a link to the Liturgical Calendar (General Roman Calendar) Apart from placing it in our News page, which keeps getting updated, you can also find the link in the website on your Documents/Prayer Space...

Synodal Process: Your Invitation to Participate We encourage everyone to join in the consultation for the 2023 Synod of Bishops. The Vatican has requested the Teams Organisation to respond independently from the Diocesan consultations.  To this end, the GB Province will host a series of monthly online...