Teams of Our Lady is open to all couples who wish to wish to develop their sacramental married spirituality. It is not essential for couples to be members of the Catholic Church.
Teams members come together for sharing, prayer, scripture reading; a discussion on a topical or spiritual subject, and also focus on a number of Endeavours. In these meetings a simple meal is shared, and members listen to each other with open hearts.
Members use a number of Endeavours in their daily lives to build upon their sacramental marriage.
New Teams are formed through a process of ‘piloting’ by an experienced couple over a year. A piloting programme is used for monthly meetings. Wherever possible a Chaplain or Spiritual Counsellor joins the team as a full member to accompany them.
When a couple joins an established Team, a re-piloting process is used to welcome them and enable them to understand the Teams approach and to discern if it is for them.