Teams Structure
Teams has the following levels.
Super Regions
A Super Region groups together, either the Regions of a country, or the Regions of neighbouring countries in the same continent. Experience shows that at least 200 teams makes a good basis for the functioning of a Super Region. The Transatlantic Super Region, to which GB belongs, is slightly unusual as in addition it groups together English speaking Teams who are linked because of expansion and/or historical reasons.
A Region groups together several neighbouring Sectors with the objective of mutually helping each other. It is the link for communication and communion between the Sector Couples, the members of the Sector Teams and other couples accepting positions of responsibility.
A Sector is a community of teams wishing to progress together and help each other along this path. They form a geographical unit of approximately 5 to 20 teams, small enough to enable them to know each other and to communicate directly between persons, yet having enough couples to ensure vitality. It is the most essential community for the life of Teams.
A zone is usually a part of the globe with a great diversity of cultures and languages. Dividing the world by zones allows the Super Regions, Regions or Sectors that make up an area to stimulate, help each other, through meetings to exchange ideas, training, support and even financial aid. Normally each zone has a dominant language.