16 Jul Northern Regional Gathering
Our Teams GB gathering at Swanwick was so successful, that it has set the ball rolling for our Regional Gatherings.
Northern Region members were delighted to receive a message from our soon-to-be Regional Couple, David and Joanne who are wasting no time in announcing plans for their first Northern Regional Gathering.
October 21st at 11am is an important event you won’t want to miss! We believe it’s been more than 5 years since the Northern UK Region were able to gather face-to-face in fellowship and faith, and so it’s our great pleasure to issue this warm invitation to our Northern Region members to join us on 14th October 2023. Starting from September 1st, Joanne and I will be taking over as the new Regional Couple for Northern UK, succeeding the excellent service of Sue and Paul. We are immensely grateful for their dedicated support over the past five years. More of that, and about us later, but for now, we simply wanted to ensure you mark this date in your diaries. We will be meeting at the beautiful St. Mary’s Church, Ladyewell House, Ladyewell The Shrine, and grounds in Fernyhalgh, Preston. Fernyhalgh is a peaceful and charming location, nestled in ancient woodland just 4 miles away from Preston city centre. It’s conveniently close to the M6, hopefully making it accessible for most of us. We will share more details about the day’s agenda closer to the event, but we are pleased to say that we have secured an excellent speaker, who we are confident you’ll thoroughly enjoy. To help us plan accordingly, we have created an Eventbrite invitation. We kindly request you to click on the link provided below and fill in a few simple requested details. This will greatly assist us in estimating the number of attendees and prevent unnecessary reminder emails and follow-ups. Many thanks. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. With all God’s blessings David and Joanne
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