Retreat 2022 Middlesbrough 1

It seemed such a long time since we as a Team were able to share in person, a retreat.  We have become so used to using Zoom, or MS Teams, or WhatsApp to get together with our friends and families that it seemed a bit of a stretch to actually come together as a Team on a retreat.  There was some nervousness when it was first discussed.  Covid is still happening, and many of us are trying hard to ensure that we don’t accidentally pass on something to our loved ones, some of whom are more at risk than others.  Indeed, our own Team members have such a variety of health conditions that medical universities could build a study programme around us.

Having successfully managed to meet at each other’s houses for our monthly meetings, our confidence had improved.  So over a period of time, the nervousness about a retreat together faded, and our fervour for this endeavour increased.

We were blessed, that retreat at Madonna House, Robin Hood’s Bay, North Yorkshire was suggested.  Instead of a couple of nights away which had been our usual pattern, we opted for a one day retreat, as the venue was well within reasonable travelling distance.  Father Michael of Madonna House was experienced at leading retreats and he agreed without hesitation to lead ours.

In presence of Madonna House community members, Father Michael, Jeanne and Mathieu, there was a sense of being made welcome and an awareness of gentle peace.  The added bonuses of one to one discussions, and the availability of the sacrament of reconciliation made the day particularly meaningful.  Our own chaplain, Fr Phil Cunnah concelebrated mass with Fr Michael, and we all sang with gusto.  Thankfully, the singing of the members of the Madonna House Community carried a tunefulness that our Team alone could not have hoped for.

We are blessed to count as one of our number a talented author and poet, John Pearson who, touched by the Spirit, has written a beautiful inspirational memory of the retreat that includes details of the theme.  I encourage you all to read it when you receive your next newsletter.  The Newsletter will also be added to this website so you will be able to access it online once it is published.

If you would like to share recollections of your retreats, please send them in by email to
Photos are welcome as long as all the people in the photos give their permission for the photos to be shared.

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