
Jesus said to Peter

So, you had not the strength to keep awake with me one hour” Matt 26:40

Sixty years ago, Father Henri Caffarel echoed these words as he sought volunteer couples to form a chain of prayer throughout the night.  His aim was to have couples succeed each other continuously in prayer every night, between midnight and six in the morning.  Father Caffarel’s concern was that with the rapid increase in the number of Teams, its continuing vitality needed the Spiritual food of Prayer.

The volunteers were to pray for the Movement, but also for other couples, especially those who depended on them as they faced difficult moments in their lives.  He urged the couples to unite their prayers with all those great Saints of Night Prayer, Carmelites, Trappists, Benedictines…who offer their prayer intentions for all of humanity.  They, in their turn, would receive the Grace of Prayer.  And so, the Teams Intercessors were born.

An Online Enrollment Form

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Enrich your married spirituality with Jesus Christ & meet others to build friendships.