Web Editors, Peter Wordsworth and Katie McRae Announce New Features.
We are pleased to announce that we have added some new features to the TeamsGB.org.uk website
Prayer Space (a new page under the Documents banner)
On this page we have set a link for the Daily Gospel, and on the page is also the Magnificat and Prayer to the Holy Spirit. This is a great daily resource. Katie explains “Using this page alone has improved my prayer life and connected me effortlessly to the wonderful daily readings used in our Holy Mass. I have set a link to this page on the Home Screen of my smartphone so now I can access it at a single touch. It is such a privilege to serve the TeamsGB community and I really hope you enjoy using this page as much as I do!”
Readings and Prayers for the Month
We have uploaded the Readings and Prayers for the Month onto the Newsletters page, found under the Members banner. So you don’t have to download the whole Newsletter each time you want to access this page for your Teams Meeting.
The Newsletter does provide additional reflections on the readings, and we always fully encourage everyone to read the whole Newsletter. A copy of the latest Newsletter to download, can be found on the same page in the 2021 Newsletters section.
Special Interest Pages
Our News and Noticeboard pages are the most frequently updated pages, and they continue to be under review to improve the range of articles. We are keen to obtain some stories and creative writing and photographs from our member for the Noticeboard. Please contact the web editors if you have any items you would like to contribute.
Keep sending in your suggestions for developing this exciting online resource. Using your own email address, email to: Webeditors@teamsgb.org.uk
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