First Name - His (required if attending)
First Name - Hers (required if attending)
Surname (required)
Please give age range of children who may use the materials to be sent
Your email address (required)
What is your current role in Teams Teams MemberChaplain / Spiritual CounsellorTeams RCSector RCOther Responsibility
Your Team (required)
Your Sector
Your Region NorthernCentralSouthernOther
Which Gathering(s) will you attend Northern - 25th SeptemberCentral - 9th OctoberSouthern - 2nd October
Could you help facilitate a Mixed Team / Workshop, please? Yes, be facilitatorNot this time
Please indicate your method of contribution. We suggest that you make one contribution of £5 per person registered, even if you attend more than one Gathering. Chaplains / Spiritual Counsellors are not expected to contribute financially. Bank TransferPayPalChaplain/Other
Payment Details: When you have completed the form and have pressed "Send" you will receive a response from the website giving details of your chosen payment method. If you do not get an email, please check your junk folder and if you haven't received an email then contact us:
Data Protection: Your personal information will be used for the administration of the Teams Gatherings. It will not be shared with any other organisation.